Monday, April 14, 2008

Catholic University welcomes the Pope with class

Catholic University Readies for Papal Visit:
As part of the preparations, on Monday, April 14, students will meet at the Office of Campus Ministry in Caldwell Hall at 8 p.m. and walk through campus in a candlelight procession, making five stops while saying the rosary. Also on Monday, students in Centennial Village and Gibbons Hall will make banners to welcome the pope.

On Tuesday, April 15, at 9 p.m., students from throughout the campus will also meet at the Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center to make posters and banners to help welcome the Holy Father.

And on Wednesday, April 16, at 8 p.m., there will be an all-night prayer vigil, followed by confessions and all-night Eucharistic adoration. Also included in the evening are prayer at 10 p.m., praise and worship adoration at 12 a.m., morning prayer and benediction at 6:45 a.m. and readings of the writings of Pope Benedict XVI each hour on the hour.

Seventeen CUA students are also rehearsing two pieces of music — Laudes regiae: Christus vincit and Tu es Petrus — to perform for the pope at the Pryzbyla Center April 17. Leo Nestor, Justine Bayard Ward Professor of Music at CUA, will direct the choir.

I'd say that's the kind of preparation Pope Benedict is hoping for -- prayerful and receptive. God bless Catholic U.

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