Sunday, March 23, 2008

South Jersey's contributions to the Papal Visit

"Pope's D.C. Mass to have S.J. touch", says the South Jersey Courier-Post. The paper profiles A. Blayne Candy, co-founder of the firm that will be producing the ceremony in Washington, along with fellow South Jersey Bishop Joseph Galante, spiritual leader of the Camden Diocese, who is expected to share the alter with Benedict:
. . . Candy says his 7-year-old firm has produced shows as varied as rock concerts and White House conferences.

"The scale of it is something we're used to," the Washington, D.C., resident says of the Papal Mass. Still, he added, "A visit of a pope is a big deal. And it's probably a bigger deal to a guy who was raised Catholic and went to Catholic schools."

Candy's education led to his occupation.

After attending Christ the King elementary school in Haddonfield and St. Joseph's Prep in Philadelphia, the producer studied psychology at Loyola University in Baltimore. A work-study job put him in Loyola's special events department, and Candy had found his calling.

"It's been an absolutely terrific ride," says the producer, whose job has taken him to China and Spain and on the campaign trail with President Bush.

At the Papal Mass, he says, "We'll be taking care of the overall production, all of the lighting, the sound, the stage, the design."


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