Pope Benedict XVI's ministry has been that of a builder, working in continuity with the 2,000 year teaching of the Catholic Church and helping to ensure that the proper understanding of the great treasure left by his predecessor, and the proper understanding of the Second Vatican Council becomes reality. He has also surprised many, particularly in the area of ecumenism. I believe that he is leading the Church into a Catholic Millennium. Though things may at times seem dark, I believe even more than I did on that day when I heard those words "Habemus Papem" that we will see the springtime that his predecessor, our beloved Pope John Paul, prophetically anticipated.I also believe that we are witnessing the beginnings of the coming full communion of the Church, East and West, as the "two lungs" on the One Body of Christ begin to breathe together again in order to animate this new missionary age. We are beginning to witness the recovery of the Catholic academy through the rebuilding of some institutions almost lost to the Church and the building of new ones. We are seeing the flourishing of good, solid theological and philosophical work along with a flourishing of the arts and human culture, led by the Church, as it has been in ages past. He, like his namesake, is helping as well to bring the Christian influence back to Europe and beyond.
This mission task of building has not been easy. And, it will probably get even more difficult. The old adage is true; it always seems darkest before the dawn. Those who wanted to try to change the teaching and doctrine of the Church are deeply disappointed. However, for all of us who hunger for a vibrant, faithful, dynamically orthodox Catholic Church, the source of all truth, the God who is Truth, has once again been true to his promise to Peter, "upon this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against her".
The writings of this Builder Pope have only just begun.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Deacon Keith Fournier on "Benedict the Builder"
Benedict the Builder Comes to America, by Deacon Keith Fournier. Catholic Online. March 14, 2008:
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