Saturday, March 15, 2008

Tim Drake: The "WOCHA" Mantra Has Officially Begun!

"The "WOCHA" Mantra Has Officially Begun," says Pope2008's Tim Drake:

I was wondering how long it would take before the "WOCHA" (Women's Ordination, Contraception, Homosexuality, Abortion) mantra would begin. Five weeks out from the Pope's visit, it looks like is the first to begin the mantra with this story juxtaposing American disagreements over contraception with the Church's teachings. I coined this term during World Youth Day in Cologne after witnessing reporter after reporter ask young Catholics the same question..."Do you agree with the Church's teaching on...(Insert social topic here)?"

The story does much to show the disagreements, but little to clear them up by actually reporting what it is that the Church teaches, and more importantly, why. It's so completely predictable. Yesterday, I spoke with Tim Graham, director of media analysis with the Media Research Center . . .